Latest News from Redhouse Farm

Sheep Farming

Sheep Farming

We have been really busy on the farm this week looking after the resident sheep. The 2 rams have been removed from the field with the ewes as they have now done their job and can have some relaxation time. We will be scanning all 100 ewes in March to see which are in...

Easter Fun

Easter Fun

We are so excited to be welcoming back our Easter Fun Event on Thursday 7th - Tuesday 12th April, 10am - 4pm. Join us on the farm to find the hidden 'Eggs' to complete the quiz, hand in your form to receive a Chocolate Easter Egg. Stay and play with the outdoor games...



The maize is growing super fast and it is already at least 5ft tall, the paths have now been created and the clues are being hidden as I type. We will be open EVERY Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday throughout August, 10am - 4pm. At only £2.50pp it is an...

Sheep Incoming

Sheep Incoming

We have just welcomed 50 Romney gimmers onto the farm as part of our new venture to become sheep farmers. We will gradually be building up our sheep numbers by purchasing good quality tups which will run with the ewes later in the year so they produce lambs next...

Fire Pits Now Available

Fire Pits Now Available

With Spring finally here what better way to celebrate than to purchase a fire pit ....................... the evenings aren't quite warm enough to stay out too long but with a roaring fire and a bag of marshmallows there's no better reason to! We have a huge selection...

2020 Maize Maze

2020 Maize Maze

Open 8th - 16th August This years maize crop is growing fast and we are busy keeping the paths maintained ready for opening in August.   There will be 6 hidden clues within the maze for you to find .... how long will it...

Spring Time on the Farm

Spring Time on the Farm

What has been happening ..... The rain finally stopped and the land had chance to dry out which meant Edward was able to get the spring drilling done just in time .... huge sigh of relief. The fields have started to turn a lovely shade of green again.  The...

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2020 2019 was a great year at Red House Farm, our new Easter and Maze events were a success and we had our busiest PYO Pumpkin season.   Our 2020 events calendar is starting to fill up, kicking off with our Easter Weekend Event on Friday 3rd - Monday 6th...

PYO Pumpkin Event 2019

PYO Pumpkin Event 2019

October fun Our Patch is looking great with hundreds of orange pumpkins in all sizes waiting for you to come along and pick your favourite one, two or wheelbarrow full. Prices start from £1 and increase on size.   The Kettle & Cake will be open and offering yummy...

Maize Maze

Maize Maze

New for 2019! Our Maize Maze is growing well and the pathways are being maintained to create a fun family activity this summer. Can you find all the hidden stamps and find your way back out?!  We are open on the following dates, 10am - 4pm Friday 9th, 10th & 11th...